My Story

My name is Anne-Marie Gilliet.  I was born in Paris, and have lived in France for the first 20 years of my life.  My music reflects my French origin. It tells a story. It has passion. The lyrics are very close to my heart as many come from my own personal experiences so you could say, my style is intimate.

I always felt that I was destined to sing and started writing songs from an early age. I was only sixteen when I won my first record deal and three years later four of my compositions where released under the Vogue label.  After a good start my expectations were shattered. In the late sixties England was the place to be, so I decided to cross the Chanel.

Ten years ago I started to focus on my music again. I have met some wonderful people along the way, who thanks to their positive vibes, have helped me greatly to make today possible. The last two years I have been performing in selected open mics, small clubs, charity events and acoustic venues. Performing is a joy and the feed back I get from the audience make my life complete.

I would like to add a big thank you to Simon Falconer for allowing me to use his photographs.  Falcon photo has produced some great shots, one of them being the one heading my website.